Editorial Policy

Editorial Policy for Sora Video AI


Sora Video AI is dedicated to providing high-quality, accurate, and insightful content related to video technology and artificial intelligence. This Editorial Policy outlines the standards and guidelines our content creators follow to ensure our content meets the highest ethical and professional standards.


The purpose of our Editorial Policy is to:

  • Ensure the accuracy, fairness, and transparency of our content.
  • Guide our content creators in maintaining high journalistic and ethical standards.
  • Foster trust and credibility with our audience.

Content Standards

Accuracy and Integrity

  • All content must be fact-checked and verified for accuracy before publication.
  • We commit to correcting any inaccuracies or errors in our content promptly upon discovery.

Independence and Impartiality

  • Our content is created independently and free from external influence, including commercial pressures or political bias.
  • We disclose any potential conflicts of interest related to our content.

Fairness and Respect

  • Our content respects the dignity and privacy of individuals, avoiding content that unjustly harms or offends.
  • We strive for balance and impartiality in our reporting, giving a fair representation of events and opinions.


  • Sources of information are cited clearly, and any sponsored or promotional content is explicitly labeled as such.

Content Creation Process

  • Research and Planning: Content ideas are researched and planned in alignment with our mission and audience interests.
  • Content Creation: Writers and creators follow this policy and our style guide to produce content.
  • Review and Editing: Content is reviewed and edited for compliance with our standards on accuracy, ethics, and quality.
  • Publication: Upon final approval, content is published and shared with our audience.

Corrections and Updates

  • We are committed to addressing errors transparently and will correct significant inaccuracies as soon as possible after they are brought to our attention.
  • Corrections will be noted in the content, along with the date the correction was made.

Feedback and Complaints

We welcome feedback from our audience regarding our content and adherence to this Editorial Policy. Complaints or concerns should be directed to our editorial team at [contact email/section], and we commit to reviewing and responding to feedback in a timely and respectful manner.


This Editorial Policy has been approved by the Board of Directors of Sora Video AI and reflects our commitment to editorial excellence and integrity.